Monday, March 16, 2015

See How Well You Remember 10 Famous Company Logos

ake this drawing test to find out

Psychologists at the University of California recently presented a group of students with a simple challenge: Draw the Apple logo from memory. Of the 85 who tried, only one got every feature correct. We can recognize logos when we see them, but conjuring them from scratch is another story.
To see how you would have fared, TIME recreated the experiment below. You will be presented with 10 company names, one at a time, and your task is to draw their well-known logos using your mouse or fingers. We’ll give you a grade for each one.

How the grades workIn the original study, the researchers hand-graded the participants’ drawings according to a list of features like “Is the bite on the right?” or “is the lead floating over the apple?” Since we had to evaluate the drawings automatically, we wrote an algorithm to measure approximately 500 points on the user’s drawing superimposed on the real logo. Places where the two images are close (shown here in green) contribute points to the grade while places where they diverge (red) do not.
scoring example
The size of the squares allows for the two images to diverge slightly and still count as overlapping. There is slight grade inflation for difficult logos.
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